Overlapping runs- finally here. Fullbacks will do overlaps much more easily than before. To get overlaps, make sure FBs are on FWRs often, they should also have at least a normal mentality. Overlaps happen more effectively when you they try to work the ball with MCs instead of the wingers, who tend to bunch up with them higher up the pitch. To get them to overlap set runs to often and give em mixed RWB instructions.边后卫插上和换位比以前更频繁了,(overlaps一直不知道中文的标准翻译是什么,踢球的人应该很明白,就是边位助攻比前卫还深的态势,这时候边前卫暂时换位到防守位置或者向中路挤压),同时这种后卫这种插上进攻和中前卫配合比和边前卫配合更有效率。需要设置边后卫前插为经常,心态至少为正常。
Closing down has changed somewhat, I'll cover this in more detail in another thread perhaps. For now, understand that a player will close down when he thinks the ball is in a danger zone. So even if you set someone to 1 or 20, they will still close down, the question is when do they start. Its hard to see the effects of closing down in the game when you set players up with 1 and 20. Look out for areas of the park when they start. These are affected by mentality and the defensive line as well. In general the higher the closing down the closer to the opposing goal CD will begin。
逼抢也有所改变, 似乎球员认为球处于危险地带就会主动上去逼抢, 无论你设置的是1还是20。你很难看到逼抢设置1~20的区别,何时开始逼抢跟取决于他们的防守位置, 心态和防线的影响更为明显,一般来说逼抢设置得越高和靠近对手越近,越容易开始逼抢。
Generally you just want to remember some simple things..if you want your midfield to drop back and support your backline give them low to medium closing down and a normal mentality.
Try through balls. In FM2007 I found that the best settings for this used to be mixed for all players. For FM2008 its especially important to apply this to the team you are managing, if you are a weak team in a weak league, then the best thing is to play simple football and keep this instruction ideally to one or two players you want to see orchestrate play, that way you keep the ball better. In better teams the preferred setting is mixed. Bear in mind setting it to full for fullbacks is not recommended I've seen a fair misplaced passes.
尝试直传球,和2007不同, 2008根据球队的具体状况设定战术更为重要, 假如是低级联赛的队伍,最好的做法是踢得简单明了,围绕着1~2个优秀球员设定战术比较好, 如果是有实力的球队,混合的传球更好些,注意最好不要让边后卫的直传球设置得太高,我看到许多胡乱的传球。
Forward runs hasn't changed, in fact its become better. There are more intelligent uses of space.There's a lot of running into channels, you may want to take this into account if you want to play through the middle. The use of an AMC who can hold up and distribute balls in the opponents third can be a weapon.
前插变得更好了,球员跑动更会利用空间了,有很多空挡的插入, 如果你希望中路渗透是这是很好的情形, 运用前腰的拿球和分配将是一个很好的进攻手段了。
Dribbles are happening more often now, you will see wingers attempt and actually beat the fullbacks with dribbles, this is nice to see as there is always a shimmy and a change of pace. This says a lot about the kind of players to choose.
球员的带球变得更加频繁。 你会经常看到边锋尝试并且成功率颇高的过掉边后卫,看着他们经常的摇摆和变速是件很爽的事情(其实不就是个小圆球在那儿抖么 - - 有啥nice的)。 看来这类球员要吃香了。
Long kicks from keepers - Keepers can get some good distance on kicks, which mimics real life. If you have a good centreforward with pace, jumping, first touch. You'll be able to get quite a few goals.
守门员会踢出不错的的长传了, 就和现实中一样, 如果一个速度,弹跳,停球不错的中锋, 你也许会直接接守门员长传进些球了。
Freeroles. I used to set it up in such a way that my wingers would drop back. I notice that free roles are best used even more sparingly than before. Any observations on this are more than welcomed.
自由人, 边锋用自由人时候会经常的后撤, 个人觉得适合要比以前更谨慎的使用自由人的设置。
Defensivel lines seem to be more apparent now, if a team is playing with a high defensive line you will notice your defenders actually try and win the ball higher up the pitch sometimes. You will also see more closing down happening higher up as well. In general you want a high defensive line if you want to play attacking football that emphasizes pressure. Defensive football and defensive lines will work together. A defensive line may not necessarily be a straight line either, with it higher up for Fullbacks than for DCs.
防线的影响比以前更加明显了,高防线有更加积极的逼抢, 压迫进攻配高防线,回收防守配低防线应该是合适的选择。
Width does not affect defensive line; defensive line takes effect when you're defending in your half. Defensive line is also linked to team mentality. Playing deep and having a defensive mentality should prevent you from being exposed to fast strikers
球场宽度运用并不影响防线, 防线至少你在本分半场防守是才起作用, 和心态密切, 低防线和防守心态有利于防守速度型前锋。
If you're going to make a defensive tactic then you shouldn't be looking at high closing down up front, but low closing down and a deep dline coupled with defensive mentalities, with perhaps 3 players on attacking mentalities. You can also play a game which takes the grief to the AI, by playing a high dline with high closing down up front.Of course as some of you know I was never one to be defensive
Slow tempo unlocks lots of tight defenses. The higher the tempo is the quicker they will move the ball around. Slow tempo implies patient build-up and this works hand in hand with mentality
节奏啥的还是老样子 懒得翻了。
开档MU, 迫不及待的进入比赛画面, 几场之后, 惊喜地发现下列变化.
1. 控制比赛节奏更加容易. 打法套路更加清晰, 基本上你设定什么战术设置了, 比赛里面可以自己都看得出来.
2. 好一点的边锋们都很牛X, 进球能力也提高了不少.
3. 即时调整居然可以先暂停?? 那跟以前的quick和原本调整没有差别了嘛...
4. 左边的各个显示菜单都归类了, 显示比赛数据归为match stats. 最新战报的归为latest. 除了多了一个match anaylsis顺序变了, 内容实质没有变.
5. Match anaylsis的界面里面有比赛预测, 是不知道谁对赛果的预测,估计是球探. 有odds赔率, 有各队的关键人物显示keyman. 还有milestone.估计就是打了100场比赛之类的之类的..
6. Match Report不需要读取直接显示了.
7. 训话归结到continue的一个步骤里了.. 很难再被忘记..
8. 比赛的时候match speed那个调节器更加人性化了. 说实话, 前作实在快的太快慢的太慢, 本作清晰度和速度很好的结合在了一起.
1. Overview里面友谊赛的对手有时显示蓝色我不知道为什么.
2. Overview的每一个窗口都可以自定义, 更加user friendly了, 你可以通过每个小窗口右上方的小三角形来更改他要显示的项目.
3. 新增的这些元素有: 训练成果报告, 压力下的教练, 球探报告, 合同到期日起, 和最近头条.
4. inbox更改不大.
5. 新增Calendar日历功能, 可以看重大日期. 相当于一个planner, 可以按周按月按年看.
6. 董事会里面新增一个调整budget的. 可以通过削减转会资金来增多工资帽, 如果你喜欢免签巨星不喜欢给支票那一定有用
7. 新增一个recent players你可以在这里看你最近浏览过的任何一个球员指数. 而以前这个功能很隐蔽.
8. 而你的profile里, 你不会再一出来就是一个牛X烘烘的洲际声望了...用MU也是unproven.
2. 有了calendar模式的schedule
3. player & Team Stat用新的榜单模式, 很像杂志的感觉.
1.首先我发现confidence信心度被归进了球队咨询里. 这是正确的. 信心度不光应该是对教练, 是对球队的期望.
2. 赛事信心度里面出现长期期望, 就是说董事会对未来的野心. 鉴于demo玩不乐那么久, 我们也不知道长期期望对帅位影响有多高. 但是你要是长期想做个保级先生肯定不行了.
对于你可以参加的所有赛事都有了具体的期望, 比如打出小组赛等等. 这个也更加真实, 不像前作中如果用切尔西10连联赛冠军但打不出冠军联赛小组赛也不会被炒那么假.
3. 新增比赛信心度, 球迷和董事会对你的最近比赛都是有评价的.
新增签约信心度, 球员信心度, etc.
新增总体信心度, 多了一个球迷协会会长, 他会告诉你球迷的满意度.
积木斯密斯, 我记住这个名字了, 大概是Mu球迷协会会长.
4. 发现体力condition没有前作那么容易长满, 可能是我赛季刚开始的原因.
5. 查看阵容也多了一个很爽的元素.
你可以直接让助手显示出你球员的当前能力和潜力, 当然没有具体数值, 用星星表示的.同时会列出关于性格和助手推荐度.
比如国王董是当前能力1棵星, 潜力1棵星, 推荐度1棵星. CR是全部7棵星. 7棵星是满的, 1棵星是最低的. 年轻球员的星星是银色的, 是相对其他年轻球员而言的. 可怜的dong是金色的星星..以为着他不再年轻了...哎..
6. 正如前文形容比赛引擎所说的, 战术设置非常重要, 因为真的会立竿见影.
7. 训练.....我从来不管训练......
8. 财政汇报, 转会咨询..基本没变.
9. 队长名字会出现在球队info里面了.
1. 感觉很多牛人削弱了指数, 但是也有像德罗巴,wes布朗那样爆发了的。总体来说YY仍然不少.
2. 头像变得好大.....- -|||
3. position里面多了一个在球队打过的位置...作为参考八,大概.
4. 多了个详细的coach report.. 比较像对本队球员的scout report. 会告诉你这个球员在本队的地位, 第几强的.
5. 可以设定让一队的球员自动available预备队踢比赛, 这样预备队比赛会自动选他, 可是他仍然名列一队名单. 更加真实.
6. 据说转会卖人更容易...我暂时没舍得卖谁...
7. 买人也不算很难..我出价20M英镑购得贝尔巴托夫...还好还好...
8. 潜新合约的时候可以quick link到budget 调整页面.
9. 可以使用某一球员为模子的搜索, 比如我用卡里克为模子, 搜索filter自动变成组织后腰的指数搜索, 出来一些什么pirlo杰拉德的人物...
11. 强化了决心这个指数的作用.
1.我这方面经验似乎不多,大家说说呢..只发现有个赛前weakest link和dangerman的发言...
类似于前作电脑教练在对你的比赛前说某某某must be stopped那样.
2. 助力的tean report里面会告诉你你的weakest link是谁...英格兰队的是唐宁....
1.可以设置队长和副队, 加里是副队呢..
2. 可以怂恿一个球员让他争取踢主力...