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[转帖] 简单梳理美国媒体对特朗普感染新冠的反应(转贴)

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-5-31 09:02
  • 签到天数: 85 天


    发表于 2020-10-3 09:12:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    1:40am  白宫懂王医生肖恩.康利发表书面声明,说中标的总统及第一夫人目前状况良好并已经开始在白宫的自我隔离。康利医生说懂王目前的身体状况“完全可以保证他可以不受已经被感染美国病毒的实际情况所影响,继续履行总统职权和义务”。

    2:20am   二大统领麦克.彭斯和妇人凯伦.彭斯向白宫表忠心。声称夫妇二人加入到跨越美国全境的数百万为大统领夫妇二人祈祷祝福的美国人中,衷心祝愿大统领夫妇早日康复。美媒意有所指地说目前白宫还没有评论是否有必要让彭斯夫妇检测核酸(按照美国宪法规定,如若懂王出现不测或者无法继续有效履行总统职权,彭斯为第一顺位继承人)。

    3:55am  包皮国总理内塔尼亚胡向白宫发去慰问,祝愿大统领夫妇早日痊愈。文章说内塔尼亚胡上月15日率团到白宫参加大统领主持的包皮和骆驼酋长国和解协议签署时,集体未履行疫情期间行为守则,既没有佩戴口罩,也没有保持社交距离。

    4:20am  俄罗斯克林姆林宫总统府发言人迪米特里佩斯科夫发表公开声明,代表俄罗斯总统祝愿罹患美国肺炎的懂王夫妇早日恢复健康。文章顺便介绍了俄罗斯目前已经是全世界第四大感染个案数量国家,目前已经有118万感染案例,2万1千死亡案例,并在莫斯科当地时间周五录得5月份疫情爆发以来单日最高感染案例,达到了9412个之多。

    4:30am 鸦片国首辅鲍里斯.约翰逊公开发表声明,祝愿他的主子懂王夫妇早日恢复痊愈。文章回顾了他4月份感染美国病毒祝愿急救的经历,說他彼时被带上了氧气面罩,就差送上呼吸机了。

    5:00am 反骨仔蓬佩奥在出发到达克罗地亚杜布渥尼克访问途中,在经历了从白宫康利医生发表声明说懂王并不打算交权,二统领彭斯抢先数小时已经向懂王表衷心而自己貌似并无在此次懂王感染美国病毒的过程里有法理上位机会的一连串打击后,在降落前从专机上悻悻然地首先表示了过去两周里,他四次测试核酸,无一次阳性(潜台词,老子身体相当健硕啊!),其次,他表示,从上月15日在白宫见证懂王主持的包皮和骆驼酋长国和解协议签署仪式后,并未再见过懂王(潜台词:那老不死的没可能传染给我!),最后,可能发现自己言辞失礼,真实意愿太溢于言表,才赶紧不咸不淡,违背初衷地祝愿它觊觎其位良久的懂王夫妇早日康复(潜台词:你们可别把我那些个祝福话当真了哦。)。

    5:15am  俄罗斯大统领普京亲自祝愿懂王夫妇早日康复,在发给白宫的电文里,普大帝祝愿“内在的生命,饱满的精神以及乐观主义能帮助您战胜危险的病毒”(潜台词:虽说你那边疫苗和药物指望不上,但我说的这些个虚的精神力量加持好歹也比胳膊注射消毒水靠谱—)。

    8:10am  二头领彭斯及夫人美国病毒核酸检测结果出来并公布,隐性。二大统领还洋洋自得地说他过去坚持了每日常态检测核酸(足可见他对日日以身伴虎是多么忌惮),每日测试结果都是这么遂他心意(估计远在克罗地亚的那个反骨仔此刻心里一万皮羊驼奔驰而过。。。)

    8:30am  在周二辩论会现场被懂王喷了一身口水的福克斯新闻台主持人克里斯.华莱士揭发懂王一家在参加辩论当晚不遵守疫情期间行为准则,不坚持戴口罩(令到同在一个屋檐下的其他参与者,包括他本人,全程戴口罩的他夫人和四个孩子被不公平地置于危险境地)。这个懂王死忠的福克斯新闻台的叛徒,在周五早晨的福克斯新闻与朋友访谈节目里,揭发他看到大统领夫人佩戴口罩进入大厅后就摘下弃置一边了。而同样参加辩论现场的拜登的夫人和家属,则全程坚持佩戴口罩,与懂王及家人不负责任的表现形成对比。

    8:55am 在收到了对手中标好消息美美睡足了一晚的驴党大统领候选人昏睡乔发表正式声明,代表他夫人共同祝愿懂王能痊愈。文章说不清楚昏睡乔在周二辩论后是否接受了核酸检测,他们在辩论当晚虽然没有握手,但在没有戴口罩的情况下,在彼此相距仅仅只有2米五的距离下共同相处了90多分钟(很危险啊)。

    9:30am 驴党二统领候选人卡马拉.哈里斯代表她先生,祝愿罹患美国肺炎病毒的懂王夫妇早日恢复健康,她原计划在周五晚的拉斯维加斯有竞选活动,尚未知这项计划会否因为懂王中标而有所改变。

    9:55am  可能是在获知懂王全家被桶消息后全美国最欢乐的老妖婆南希.佩洛西睡饱了,终于从床上爬起来开腔,除了言不由衷地祝愿死敌早日康复外,第一时间提醒对方应该从中标里“吸取足够教训”,她的发言人说佩洛西已经接受了核酸检测并还在等待结果,佩罗西还说但凡做事不要那么厚颜无耻,就不至于招致“那人那样”的后果(所以老妖婆你这究竟是对懂王的衷心祝福,还是由衷的幸灾乐祸与诅咒呢?)


    9:40 a.m.

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she’s praying for the president and hopes his testing positive for COVID-19 might be a "learning experience" about the virus.

    "Let us all pray for the president’s health," Pelosi said on MSNBC. She added, "This is tragic, It is very sad."

    The speaker said she was tested out of caution and is awaiting results. But said warned against "brazen" behaviour that allowed "something like this to happen"


    9:30 a.m.

    Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris is wishing President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump a "full and speedy recovery" after they contracted the COVID-19 virus.

    Harris tweeted Friday that she and her husband, Doug Emhoff, are "keeping them and the entire Trump family in our thoughts."

    Harris is scheduled to campaign in Las Vegas on Friday. It was not immediately clear whether those plans would change.


    8:55 a.m.

    Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Friday that he and his wife Jill "send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery" after they tested positive for the coronavirus.

    In a Friday morning tweet, he added, "We will continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family."

    It was not immediately clear whether the former vice-president had been tested since appearing at Tuesday’s presidential debate with Trump or whether he was taking any additional safety protocols. Trump and Biden did not shake hands during the debate but stood without masks about 10 feet apart for the 90-minute event.


    8:30 a.m.

    Fox News anchor Chris Wallace says members of President Donald Trump’s family didn’t wear masks while they were watching the first presidential debate inside a hall in Cleveland, Ohio, Tuesday night. Wallace moderated the first presidential debate of the campaign.

    Wallace said, "People in the hall did notice that while they were all wearing masks, including my wife and four children, that the first family did not wear masks during the debate. ... It is worth noting that different people treated the safety rules inside the hall differently."

    Wallace said on "Fox & Friends" on Friday that Jill Biden, the wife of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, and members of her group all wore masks throughout the debate.

    "On the Trump side of the hall, Mrs. Trump came in wearing a mask, but took it off once she said sat down," Wallace said.


    8:10 a.m.

    Vice-President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence tested negative for COVID-19 Friday morning, hours after President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump were diagnosed with the coronavirus.

    Spokesman Devin O’Malley says Pence "remains in good health and wishes the Trumps well in their recovery."

    Pence is tested every day for the virus, O’Malley confirmed.


    5:15 a.m.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is extending wishes of a speedy recovery to U.S. President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, and expressing "sincere support in this difficult moment," according to a statement released by the Kremlin on Friday.

    Trump announced on Twitter early Friday that he and first lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus.

    The Kremlin says Putin sent Trump a telegram saying that his "inherent vitality, good spirits and optimism will help you cope with the dangerous virus."


    5 a.m.

    U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he and his wife have tested negative for the coronavirus after they were examined on their airplane 20 minutes prior to landing in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on Friday.

    He said it was the fourth time in two weeks he has been tested.

    President Donald Trump announced on Twitter early Friday that he and first lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus.

    Pompeo says the last time he was with Trump was on Sept. 15, at the White House, for the signing of normalization agreements among Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

    The top U.S. diplomat says he is reconsidering upcoming travel to Florida on Saturday and Asia starting Sunday as a precaution.

    He says, "We are praying for the president and the First Lady and we hope they have a speedy recovery."


    4:30 a.m.

    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is wishing U.S. President Donald Trump a "speedy recovery" from COVID-19.

    Johnson tweeted Friday morning: "My best wishes to President Trump and the First Lady. Hope they both have a speedy recovery from coronavirus."

    Johnson was hospitalized for a week in April after he contracted COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. After he was released, the prime minister thanked doctors and nurses at St. Thomas’s Hospital for saving his life. Johnson was treated in the hospital’s intensive care unit, where he received oxygen but was not put on a ventilator.

    Trump announced on Twitter early Friday that he and first lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus.


    4:20 a.m.

    The Kremlin is sending wishes of speedy recovery to U.S. President Donald Trump after he said he and his wife Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus.

    "We certainly wish President Trump a speedy and easy recovery," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Friday.

    Russia currently has the fourth largest coronavirus caseload in the world with over 1.19 million confirmed cases and more than 21,000 deaths. The outbreak in Russia started to grow rapidly in September, with health officials reporting 9,412 new confirmed cases Friday in the largest daily surge since late May.


    3:55 a.m.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is wishing the U.S. president and the first lady a "full and speedy recovery" after they said they tested positive for the coronavirus.

    "Like millions of Israelis, Sara and I are thinking of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump and wish our friends a full and speedy recovery," Netanyahu tweeted on his official account, referring to his wife.

    Netanyahu led an Israeli delegation to the White House for the Sept. 15 signing of normalization agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain at an outdoor ceremony attended by hundreds of people. Attendees did not practice social distancing and most guests did not wear masks.


    2:20 a.m.

    Vice-President Mike Pence says he and his wife, Karen, are sending their "love and prayers" to President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump after the Trumps announced early Friday that they had tested positive for the coronavirus.

    Pence says on Twitter, "We join millions across America praying for their full and swift recovery."

    Trump’s positive test came just hours after he confirmed late Thursday that senior aide Hope Hicks had come down with the virus.

    The White House had no immediate comment on whether Pence had been tested after the Trumps’ and Hicks’ diagnoses.


    1:40 a.m.

    President Donald Trump’s White House doctor has issued a statement saying the president will continue carrying out his duties "without disruption" after contracting the coronavirus.

    Dr. Sean Conley, the physician to the president, says the president and first lady Melania Trump "are both well at this time, and they plan to remain at home within the White House during their convalescence."

    Trump has cancelled plans to attend a fundraiser and to fly to Florida for a rally on Friday, but he did keep on his schedule a previously planned midday telephone call "on COVID-19 support to vulnerable seniors."
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